News & Events
June 2021 - IC Collaboration webinar
Evidence Based Maintenance
Binseng Wang earned his doctor of science degree (Sc.D.) from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), his certified clinical engineer (CCE) from the Int'l Certification Commission on Clinical Engineering and Biomedical Technology (ICC), and his certified Quality Management System (QMS) Associate Auditor from the Registrar Accreditation Board (RAB), which is now part of Exemplar Global - a member of the American Society for Quality (ASQ).
He received the ACCE Management Achievement Awards in 1999 and 2001, and the Best Article awards from Biomedical Instrumentation & Technology magazine in 2006 and 2013. In 2010, he was recognized with the AAMI Clinical/Biomedical Engineering Achievement Award. In 2015, he was bestowed the ACCE Lifetime Achievement Award. In 2017, he was inducted into the Clinical Engineering Hall of Fame by ACCE.
"The collaborative governance of Lebanon’s health sector" for the PSO
Starting in February 2016, discussions have been held between the Lebanese HealthCare Management Association and the Ministry of Public Health (Lebanon) and the World Health Organization to review the accomplishments of the Ministry of Health over the past two decades as well as the process followed to that end.
These accomplishments were not the result of a blueprint-reform, but incremental strategies orchestrated by the Ministry of Public Health. Much of its success in doing so can be attributed to effective collaborative governance of the health sector. This report aims to help institute and implement mechanisms to anchor this approach and strengthen collaborative governance within the country's health care system.
This report on “The collaborative governance of Lebanon’s health sector” is a well-documented, easily read, review of the transformation of Lebanon’s health care system, over the past two decades. It was put together by Dr. Wim Vanlerbergh, Dr. Abdel Hay Mechbal and Dr. Nabil Kronfol, for the Policy Support Observatory (PSO). IT is based on evidence, published robust surveys, extensive interviews and mapping of all stakeholders’ positions. Click here to read the full report
March 17, 2018 - Workshop on promoting health technology
Promoting Health Technology Industry, Innovation and R&D in Lebanon
The objectives of this event were to:
1. Highlight the efforts and support of Banque Du Liban (BDL) & HTMA towards having Lebanon as a hub for healthcare and healthcare technologies.
2. Present some success stories and initiatives from the Lebanese Industry.
3. Understand better the requirements of international companies to reach the above goals.
4. Develop action plans.
The event was held in Beirut under the sponsorship of BDL represented by BDL Second Vice Governor Dr. Saad Andary and in collaboration with HTMA. In addition to Dr. Andary’s short presentation, Mr. Bassam Tabshouri Chair of HTMA, Dr. Fadi Gemayel President of Lebanese Industrialist Association. The industrialists Mr. Antoine Haddad, Mr. Bernard Tannouri and Dr. Assaad Eid gave short presentations during the event to enhance the discussions.
The event was attended by representatives from BDL, LHMA-HTMA, University St. Joseph (USJ), American University of Beirut (AUB), Lebanese Industrialists, Association des Cadres de l'Industrie européenne des Dispositifs Médicaux (ACIDIM), German Health Alliance (GHA), Eight international companies, Beirut Digital District and UK Leb-Hub.
Medical Devices: From Idea to FDA Approval
In collaboration with the University St. Joseph (USJ) , American University of Beirut (AUB), Banque Du Liban (BDL), HTMA and Johnson & Johnson (J&J) Medical Devices Middle East and Africa teamed up to support efforts to develop Lebanon into an innovation hub for healthcare technology.
J&J opened a window into its innovation process. The event included livestreamed presentations by two U.S.-based senior directors at J&J and was attended by clinicians, healthcare providers, medical engineers, computer scientists, researchers and students.
Prof. Dolla Karam Sarkis, Vice President for Research at USJ, noted the importance of collaboration between universities, industry and research centers to nurture innovation in the medical field. Mr. Tabshouri (chair of HTMA) highlighted the need to approach innovation in healthcare technologies in a professional way in order to sell to an international company like J&J.
Mr. Said Haddad, Managing Director Medical Devices Middle East and Africa, noted that innovation is the lifeblood of companies like J&J and of a vibrant healthcare system.
Second Vice Governor of BDL, Mr. Saad Andary, promoted the vision of having Lebanon as the hub of medical services and medical tourism for the Middle East and North Africa
Mr. Mark Hanes, Worldwide Director for Hip Development, noted that one should always start with an unmet need andwalked the audience through a product development process. Mr. Chris Papa, Senior Director of Research & Development Energy, elaborated on the development process for devices with embedded software.
The event was organized by the HTMA committee of the LHMA and J&J, and was sponsored by BDL, J&J and USJ. Click here for more
Towards a Healthcare Technology Innovation Hub in Lebanon and the Region
In collaboration with the Department of Medical Engineering at the American University of Beirut Medical Center (AUBMC), the Health Technology and Management Advancement (HTMA) committee of the Lebanese Hospitals Management Association (LHMA) organized a conference in partnership with other institutions and with Banque du Liban, the main sponsor of the event.
The objective of the conference was to highlight the facilities that exist in AUB, USJ, and Lebanon for promoting innovation in healthcare technologies and to enhance the spirit of innovation in these technologies. One expected outcome was establishing a working group to develop action plans towards establishing a proper ecosystem for innovation in healthcare technologies.
The first keynote lecture by Dr. Brian Anthony from the Medical Device Innovation Center at the Massachusetts Institute for Technology (MIT). Dr. Anthony’s speech title was “Can this be applied in Lebanon?”
The second keynote lecture was by Dr. Jaques Belghiti, President of the French National Authority for Health, in which Belghiti talked about the need for proper studies pre- and post-disseminating the products in the market.
The speakers on the panels were Dr. Faraj Abdel Nour (ACIDIM), Mr. Khaled Bohsali (Banque Du Liban), Mr. Elias Boustani (WAMDA), Dr. Fadia Homeidan (AUB), Dr. Adham Ismail (World Health Organization), Mr. Walid Mansour (Middle East Venture Partners), Dr. Fouad Mrad (ESCWA), and Dr. Dolla Sarkis (USJ). Click here for more